
Star trek online ships guide
Star trek online ships guide

star trek online ships guide

One less variable to pay attention to (broadside angle), and easier to keep your ship positioned in your enemy's weakest firing arc. That's what I tend to go with on beam ships. is there a situation where I would want to use dual beam arrays over standard? Or single or dual cannons over heavy?Ī dual beam setup up front is a viable option once you have multiple 360 beams for the rear. Throw in the c-store console set, and Scatter can be active almost non-stop. Scatter can also have a better active time compared to Fire at Will, with a 15s and 20s shared cooldown respectively. Overload is better for power conservation compared to Rapid Fire, while Scatter offers more control compared to Fire at Will (poor Will.what did he do this time?).

#Star trek online ships guide full#

It's not *quite* as strong as full beams (turrets are that much weaker), but it has a wider effective firing arc, even if it is at the front of your ship. I've also tried full cannons up front with turrets in the aft section, and that will work, too. But again, beam arrays are the second weakest type of weapon. It has a ~110-degree firing arc off either side where all your beam weapons can be brought to bear on a single target while still being decently effective against targets outside those arcs. I'm of two minds on equipping slow-moving ships. If you're going to use dual cannons, use dual heavy cannons if you can find them. Dual heavy cannons are a variation of dual cannons that fire slower than regular dual cannons, have a slightly reduced energy cost per second than dual cannons, and have bonus crit severity. Dual cannons are the heavy hitters of the energy weapon world, but they can only be equipped by certain ship and have the narrowest firing arc of all weapons. Single cannons are the cannon equivalent to beam arrays, with higher damage potential in exchange for having a narrower firing arc. They have the widest firing arc (turrets and omni-beams I exclude because they don't really have a firing arc), with the damage potential only better than turrets and omni-beams. Beam arrays are the basic weapon for just about every ship. They're not as strong as dual cannons, but have a firing arc twice as wide. is there a situation where I would want to use dual beam arrays over standard? Or single or dual cannons over heavy?ĭual beams are the stronger forward-arc beam weapons (the dual cannon version for beam weapons). Originally posted by Revanchist1ab:I was curious like the purpose of each weapon:

star trek online ships guide

I'm sure others will add their 2cents but this really is the basics.

star trek online ships guide

Concentrate on exotic powers and set auxiliary power to max and spam gravity wells and torpedo spreads and you'll do fine. If flying a science ship, there are so many set-ups that people use it would be impossible to list them all here but have fun with a single dual-beam bank up front with 2 torps then mines + omni-directional beam in back.

star trek online ships guide

if flying a space whale (big cruiser type) beams are probably the way to go for broadsiding (stick a torp up front if you want and a mine in back if you want but that's up to you and your playstyle) as you will be slow to turn.Ĭonversely, if flying an escort, dual heavy cannons and a torp up front and all turrets in back is fairly standard but all your focus is really in the front 45degree arc so can be tricky to get just right with flying (again, all beams are good here too). Flavour of energy matters very little unless you are chasing ultra high DPS so pick one that's easy to get or you like the colour/sound of most and stick to it.ģ. stick to one energy type (eg Phaser, Tetryon, Polaron, etc.) and get tactical consoles that boost that energy type. Some mixes from sets can be fun, but not many.Ģ. Try not to mix beams and cannons/turrets. There's loads of good guides on the official forums (Arc) but it boils down to some real basics.ġ.

Star trek online ships guide